
solutions through simulation for manufacturing and business processes

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High Volume Manufacturing Process

The brief
The client company is a major manufacturer of computer systems, each system being made to order. The company had developed some new and innovative ways to improve productivity of their manufacturing process but needed to ensure that these proposed changes would work.

The Challenge
Simuledge built the model to represent the new process, using the company's CAD drawing as a backdrop. The model represented the process in every way, including unique parts on the line.

By observing the model running, over the CAD drawing backdrop, the company could observe several difficulties with the process. Strategies were developed to cater for these difficulties and tested on the model.

A series of What-If analysis was completed to ensure that the new process was sufficiently robust to deal with the expected level of variation in the process.

The original designs were significantly developed and improved before a new set of designs were concluded.

The new system was built and performed to plan within the first month of operation. This was considered a great success and delivered substantial improvements on the previous system.

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